import mx.logging.LogEventLevel;
import mx.logging.targets.TraceTarget;
import mx.logging.ILogger;
import mx.logging.Log;
import mx.logging.LogLogger;
* This is a sample application that uses a simple logger. There are 4 simple
* steps to using it:
* 1. Get an Instance of ILogger, with the appropriate category
* (Done in each class)
* 2. Define a Target and set it's properties
* (Done only once when initializing the logging API)
* 3. Add the target to Logging runtime
* (Done only once when initializing the logging API)
* 4. Use the instance of ILogger to log messages
// 1. Get an Instance of ILogger, with the appropriate category
private var _log:ILogger = Log.getLogger("");
// Initialize the remote logger
// import to do this on the application's initialize callback if you want to log
// the construction of your application's child component's
private function init():void {
// 2. Define a Target and set it's properties
var target:TraceTarget = new TraceTarget();
// 3. Add the target to Logging runtime
trace("Hello World");
//4. Use the instance of ILogger to log messages
private function sendDebugMessage():void {
_log.debug("This is a test debug level log message");
private function sendInfoMessage():void {"This is a test info level log message");
private function sendWarnMessage():void {
_log.warn("This is a test warn level log message");
private function sendErrorMessage():void {
_log.error("This is a test error level log message");